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Canada - A place of finding new meanings

Magda Udrea

What is Canada most famous for?

Some would say: maple syrup, or beavers…some others will say Canadian geese, or moose. Let’s not forget politeness and scenery…The expanse of Canada's natural beauty, from mountains and glaciers to secluded lakes and forests, is almost unparalleled worldwide. But Canada's allure is not just the great outdoors. Canada has cosmopolitan cities that are clean, safe, friendly, and multicultural. In fact, Canada repeatedly is lauded as one of the world's most livable countries.

Emigrating to Canada seemed like a great choice, but I have never imagined how my life changed after coming here.

Finding Sahaja Yoga by going to a public class was the moment that changed everything. It had to be here, after so many years of searching, I was ready to find myself and the true meaning behind all things.

A yoga practitioner asked:

"Is there hope for Canada? Is it hope for Canada?

Shri Mataji answers:

"Yes Canada would be better. Canada because they’re are agriculturists, you see agriculturists are always better. Much better people than others, you see these technocrats and these machine people. You see if you are all the time touching the machine, you see, you also become like a machine, you see. The person, who gives you the machine lives like the machine. Starts up like this, opens his briefcase like that, walks up like that, it’s a machine like. So it is true that Canada will be better and maybe that from Canada it will come.”

2 komentarze

Ben Davidson
Ben Davidson
29 sty 2023

Hi. I agree Canada is an amazing country. I used to live in Russia and decided to change my place of residence because I didn't really like my country. The choice of countries was pretty wide, but I decided to choose Canada because it is one of the most developed countries in almost all plans, and the living conditions are just great. I even started a blog where I show in my native language how I live here after I moved here, the program helps me with that. I recently discovered it because I had never worked with video before


Ben Davidson
Ben Davidson
29 sty 2023

ty for post

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